Peng Zhou (zpbrent)

Security Researcher and Bug Hunter

Peng Zhou (zpbrent) is an Associate Professor at Shanghai University. He received his Ph.D. from the Hong Kong PolyU and was a Research Fellow at Singapore NTU. His current research interests cover Web/3 and AI Security. He has been selected as a speaker at Black Hat Asia 2024 and published over twenty research papers in network security journals and conferences, such as IEEE TDSC/TIFS, Elsevier COSE, ISOC NDSS, and ACM ACSAC. He is also a bug hunter for open-source software and the discloser for over seventy CVEs with high impacts in world-famous enterprises such as Microsoft Azure, Facebook, and Hugging Face.

Reach me out at: zpbrent[anti^@^scan] or pzhou[anti^@^scan]